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Dance 357: Dance, a reflection of culture: Research Help

Cultural concepts & identity related to world dance; differences & similarities in dance traditions & rituals; ethnochoreology & ethnography.

About Dance 357

Cultural Concepts and Identity

1. Students will learn cultural concepts and identity associated with world dance

Traditions and Rituals Connected to Dance

2. Students will understand the differences and similarities in traditions and rituals connected to dance

Group Research and Assigned Readings

3. Students will participate in class discussions and analysis of group research and assigned readings;

Ethnochoreology and Ethnography

4. Students will understand ethnochoreology and ethnography and how they interface in cultural dance

Doing Dance Research

1. Locate background information.

            - use encyclopedia articles to find keywords (terminology, words for narrowing topic, important scholars) and citations to other materials.

2. Develop and narrow your topic; form an issue or research question.

3. Find research materials you may use in your paper.

            - books, journal articles

4. Evaluate and select materials that you will use in your paper.

5. Write draft, cite sources, and write final paper.

            - use an approved citation format, and consult style manuals as needed.

            - begin writing early.

Cross-disciplinary searching

Performing Arts Librarian

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Myrna Layton
4431 HBLL
Phone or Text 801-422-4334
Subjects: Music & Dance, Theatre

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4432 HBLL - Level 4
Music & Dance Web Page
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm

Phone: (801) 422-1725

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