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Nursing: Evidence-based Sources

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Betsy Hopkins
2317 HBLL and 561 KMBL

Evidence-based Sources

About Evidence

Many sources provide evidence to support a conclusion, but some evidence is better than others.  Check out the links below to learn about levels of evidence.

PICOT Questions

Writing a PICOT question will help focus your search for evidence-based sources.

P-Patient population

I-Intervention or Issue of interest

C-Comparison intervention or group



Strong PICOT question: In teenagers, how does cognitive-behavioral skills building compared to yoga affect anxiety after 6 weeks of treatment?

Poorly designed question: What is the best type of intervention to use with teenagers who are anxious?

(Examples from Evidence-based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 2nd ed., by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt.)