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Holocaust Studies (Shoah): Primary Sources

Holocaust studies can be highly interdisciplinary. In addition to the resources shown here, please feel free to consult with appropriate other Subject Guides according to your topic (art, literature, music, psychology, etc.)

Primary Sources Online

Full-Text Primary European Historical Sources Online

Primary Source Search

You can locate records for primary sources within the HBLL catalog by using the specific keyword "sources" within the "subject" field.

By combining the word "sources" with other relevant terms elsewhere, e.g., "Holocaust" you can can find relevant primary sources lurking in the Harold B. Lee Library.

These may include survivors' testimonies, diaries, manuscripts, letters, transcriptions, translations and other items considered to be primary sources. 


EuroDocs - Shoah

EuroDocs:Online Sources for European History is a local project that includes a page to help you locate online primary sources on the Shoah.