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TMA 122/222 Voice Production, Phonetics: Home


Course descriptions

TMA 122: Foundational exercises to aid in freeing tensions, habits/patterns, and finding the natural state of the voice. Lab required. Introduction to the use of Standard American Stage Dialect with International Phonetic Alphabet. Identification of speech/articulation problems.

TMA 222: Advanced exercises to aid in the understanding and use of optimal vocal technique with emphasis on singing. Continued study and mastery of Standard American Stage Dialect with International Phonetic Alphabet. Lab required.

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Humanities  Reference
Level 5
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm


Performing Arts Librarian

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Myrna Layton
4431 HBLL
Phone or Text 801-422-4334
Subjects: Music & Dance, Theatre