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Dance 396: Methods of teaching ballet: About Dance 396

Course information


Winter Even Yrs.


Dance 390R or equivalent.


Teaching classical ballet from preballet through advanced; includes analysis of Bournonville, Cecchetti, Vaganova, RAD, Kneeland, and SAB methods.

Course outcomes

  • 1. Students will demonstrate a knowledge of ballet class structure and progression between levels by writing an 8-year ballet curriculum.
  • 2. Students will experience practical observation of ballet classes/labs and analyze teachers at work.
  • 3. Students will apply sound musical principles in practical teaching experiences.
  • 4. Students will philosophically and historically analyze each of the major ballet methodologies: Cecchetti, Royal Academy of Dancing, Vaganova, etc.
  • 5. Students will demonstrate a working knowledge (both written and verbal) of ballet French terminology for the technique appropriate for each level of ballet instruction

Performing Arts Librarian

Profile Photo
Myrna Layton
4431 HBLL
Phone or Text 801-422-4334
Subjects: Music & Dance, Theatre

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4432 HBLL - Level 4
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Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm

Phone: (801) 422-1725

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