Welcome to the Registration and Information page for the BYU Library and College of Life Sciences Undergraduate Poster Competition!
You are invited to come and share your research. Posters will be on display in the Harold B. Lee Library's North Gallery on Level Two between the atrium and the Religion/Family History area (outside of room 2231 HBLL) from March 7 to April 15, 2022.
We will have an open house with refreshments in the gallery on Thursday, March 24, 2022 from 2:00-4:00 pm where you can talk with others around campus about your work. Prizes for the best poster designs, three-minute videos, and open house presentations will be awarded at the conclusion of the open house.
The main objectives of the poster competition are to:
To meet these objectives, student participants are highly encouraged to tailor their poster designs, three-minute videos, and open house oral presentations to a general academic audience (see our online poster design tutorial for more guidance). Poster, video, and open house presentation judging will specifically assess how well students clearly and succinctly describe the importance of their research to a general audience, who likely will be unfamiliar with the technical details of this research. Competition judging will focus more on the poster, video, and presentation design and style, and less on the scientific content and merit of a particular study. Please review the poster competition judging criteria for more information.
Complete the online registration form to participate in the poster competition.
Submission due date: 5:00 pm Friday, March 4, 2022*
*Note: Participants can register in advance before posters/video presentations are completed.
Poster Design Prizes*
Open House Presentation Prizes
Three-Minute Video Prizes
*Winners will have their posters displayed at the Science & Engineering area of the library accompanied by a photograph of the submitter and faculty mentor.
General Information
Submission Due Date: Printed and PDF copies of your poster (required) and the three-minute video presentation (optional) describing your research project is due by 5:00 pm Friday, March 4, 2022. Please deliver the printed poster to the Science & Engineering Help Desk in the Harold B. Lee Library. After you register for the competition, you will be sent a link to a Box folder where you can upload your poster PDF and video presentation files. If you have any problems uploading your PDF or video presentation, please contact Mike Goates at michael_goates@byu.edu.
Judging Criteria: See the poster competition judging criteria for the rubric for poster design, video, and open house presentation judging.
Maximum Physical Poster Size: Posters cannot be more than 50 inches wide and 50 inches tall. Posters must be printed on a single sheet. They will be hung up, not mounted on a cork board. No pins will be used for mounting.
Discount Printing: Print your registration confirmation page for a 25% discount off of printing your poster at the Makerspace in the library. Printing at the Makerspace is not profit generating. They charge only for material costs and printer wear and tear. Normal color cost is $2.00 per square foot. Schedule your poster printing and email your poster PDF to makerspace@byu.edu.
Three-Minute Videos: Video submissions are NOT required in order to participate in the competition, but participants may elect to submit a short three-minute video to provide greater context for the posters (similar to a Three Minute Thesis presentation). Each poster should only have one video submission. The purpose of this video is to succinctly describe your research project to a general academic audience. Separate prizes will be awarded to the best video presentations.
Poster Competition Open House: All competition participants are required to attend the special open house and reception in the Harold B. Lee Library (outside of room 2231 HBLL) on Thursday, March 24, 2022 from 2:00-4:00 pm. Faculty mentors are also highly encouraged (but not required) to attend the open house. During the open house, participants will have the opportunity to explain their research to the competition judges and other attendees. Poster design, three-minute video, and open house presentation prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the open house.
Physical Poster Gallery: Physical posters will be on display in the Harold B. Lee Library's North Gallery on Level Two between the atrium and the Religion/Family History area (outside of room 2231 HBLL) from March 7 to April 15, 2022.
Virtual Poster Gallery: Electronic posters (required) and their accompanying three-minute video presentations (optional) will be displayed virtually on the poster competition website beginning March 7, 2022. See the 2021 Virtual Poster Gallery for more information.
ScholarsArchive: You will have the opportunity to submit your poster and three-minute video presentation to BYU's ScholarsArchive, an online open access repository. ScholarsArchive will permanently display your poster and video presentation and provide a stable link that you can included in a résumé.
Direct questions to any of these subject librarians: