These sites may be useful as you look for research ideas, or just explore the field that you're studying.
Physlink.comPhysics and Astronomy Online
The is a comprehensive physics and astronomy online education, research and reference web site. In addition to providing high-quality content, is a meeting place for professionals, students and other curious minds.
Leonard Susskind LecturesExcellent presentations on many Physics topics, by Leonard Susskind, professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University, and founding director of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Martindale's Calculators On-Line CenterCalculators, Applets, Spreadsheets, Courses, Manuals, Handbooks, Simulations, Animations, Videos, etc. - all related to Astrophysics, Astronomy, Astrochemistry, Astrobiology and Cosmology.
NIST Physics LaboratoryThe Physics Laboratory is one of the major operating units of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Its mission is to support United States industry by providing measurement services and research for electronic, optical, and radiation technologies. The Laboratory
* pursues directed research in the physical sciences;
* develops new physical standards, measurement methods, and data;
* conducts an aggressive dissemination program; and
* coll
Help for Physics StudentsA site set up by Doug Craigen, a physicist involved in Web design and Internet consulting which features such areas as physics books, software, humor, and faqs.
StarDate OnlineStarDate is the public education and outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. StarDate celebrated its 25th anniversary as a national program in 2003.
Astronomy Image ExplorerThe Astronomy Image Explorer (AIE) has been designed as a convenient and efficient tool for researchers working in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics to gain access to images published in peer-reviewed journals. At its launch in December of 2013, the AIE was populated with hundreds of thousands of images published in the journals of the American Astronomical Society.
Astronomy Picture of the DayEach day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
PhETFree interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.