The Encyclopedia of Popular Music (edited by Colin Larkin). Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 G84 2006.
Continuum encyclopedia of popular music of the world. Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 S53 2003.
Virgin encyclopedia of Fifties Music. Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 F53 2002.
Virgin encyclopedia of Sixties Music. Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 S59 2002.
Virgin encyclopedia of Seventies Music. Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 V56 2002.
Virgin encyclopedia of Eighties Music. Call number: Ref ML 102 .P66 V564 2003.
These can be searched in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using the following subject headings (use alphabetic search):
Bio-bibliographies are found in the Refrerence Collection at ML 134.
These can be searched in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using the following subject heading:
You can also find them shelved under the call number ML102 .P66 ( in the Reference Collection.)
These are designed to help you identify, and locate a copy of, popular songs. Find them in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using key words from the following subject headings:
SongCite: an Index to Popular Songs. = ML 128 .P63 G65 1995 (Reference collection)
The Great Song Thesaurus = ML 128 .S3 L4 1989 (one copy in Ref / one in stacks)
Popular Music: an Annotated Index of American Popular Songs.= ML 120 .U5 S5 1989 (Reference collection)
Biographical information can be located in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using a number of subject headings:
Use key words from these at the Library Catalog "Keyword" search screen.
For example: Springsteen, Bruce - Interviews
And the results:
The library has both individual and collective biographies. Examples of collective bios:
You Must Remember This: Popular Songwriters 1900-1980 = ML 390 .W378 1985 (Reference collection)
Angels of the Night: Popular Female Singers of our Time = ML 400 .M44 1986
Breakout: Profiles in African Rhythm = on order
These can be located in the Library's catalog using key words from the following subject headings, at the "Guided Keyword" search screen:
You can also find many of them shelved in the call number range ML 3470 - ML 3541.
Numerous discographies have been published tracing the recorded history of popular music, or popularity rankings. Find them in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using key words from the following subject headings:
You can also find them shelved under the call number ML156.4 P6 (Reference collection)
Biographies of popular musicians (see above) may also include a discography.
Examples of discographies in Reference Collection:
Complete Entertainment Discography, from 1897 to 1942 = ML 156.4 .P6 R88 1989
Billboard's Top 3000 Plus = ML 156.4 .P6 W457 1988
Cash Box Album Charts, 1975-1985 = ML 156.4 .P6 H588 1988
Popular Music: an Annotated Guide to Recordings = ML 120 .U5 S5 1989
See "Discographies" above, and "Websites" in the right column.
To see a list of videos on a popular music topic:
The scholarly study of popular music often involves research into the historical, social, economic, and political developments of the time, artistic cross-influences, etc.
Some subject headings that relate to the larger context:
Popular music
Popular songs
World music
World beat (Music)
Rock music
Country music
Bluegrass music
Blues (Music)
Rhythm and blues music
Big band music
Cajun music
Calypso (Music)
Celtic music
Contemporary Christian music
Disco music
Funk (Music)
Gospel music
Industrial music
Jingles (Advertising songs)
Klezmer music
Rap (Music)
Reggae (Music)
Salsa (Music)
Soul music
Swing (Music)
Western swing (Music)
Collective biographies ML 385-406
ML 385 - Collective biographies of musicians (general)
ML 390 - Collective biographies of composers or arrangers
ML 395 - Collective biographies of instrumentalists
ML 396-399 - Collective biographies of instrumentalists by instrument
ML 400 - Collective biographies of singers
ML 402-406 - Collective biographies of other music professionals by type
Individual biographies ML 410-ML 429
ML 410 - Composers
ML 416-417 - Keyboardists
ML 418 - String players
ML 419 - Other instrumentalists
ML 420 - Singers
ML 421 - Performing groups
ML 422-429 - Other music professionals by type
International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM)
The Center for Popular Music (Middle Tennessee State University)
Museum of Pop (formerly Experience Music Project (Seattle))
The Rock Site
Classic Bands [rock, 1950s - 1970s]
Soul Patrol
These can be searched in the Library's catalog or WorldCat using the following subject headings:
This Business of Music: the Definitive Guide to the Music Industry.
Real Deal: How to get Signed to a Record Label.
The Craft of Lyric Writing.
In their own Words: Songwriters Talk about the Creative Process.