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EMBA Entrepreneurial Innovation: Company & Finance

The Fine Print

Most of these tools are licensed for the use of BYU students and employees for academic purposes only. Content or access must not be provided to any outside individuals or organizations. In the context of capstone projects, EMBA students can quote or cite these sources, but the deliverable for a client must be the students' own work. Contact your librarian with questions.

Company Databases

Use these general-purpose company databases to research a specific company, or to create a list of companies according to parameters of size, industry, location, etc.

Remember that the quantity and quality of company information is governed by three principles:

  1. Its type: public or private
  2. Its size: large and well-known or small and obscure
  3. The degree of transparency in its home country

Specialized Directories

More Company Research Tools

Analyst Reports

Financial Data

• Capital IQ

Capital IQ provides detailed company financials, including VC, PE, and M&A deals. It can be accessed from specific terminals in the Tanner Building and the library. The library's CapIQ is colocated with the Bloomberg terminal at the Social Sciences desk.

Career Research