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Art History 201/202 Lloyd: Books

Finding Books in the Lee Library


Search by artist's name, artistic style or movement, time period (century), country or nationality, and specific topic. Most art books have subject headings according to:

MEDIUM    Ex: painting, sculpture, drawing
NATIONALITY   Ex: art, English; sculpture, American; painting, French
GENRE   Ex: landscape painting; portrait painting
TIME PERIOD   Ex: painting--19th century; art, modern--20th century
STYLE/MOVEMENT  Ex: baroque; symbolism

Recommended Subject Searches

Try some of these subject searches in ScholarSearch:
s= art, French--19th century
s= art, modern--20th century

s= art--political aspects
s= art--social aspects
s= social movements in art

s= Christian art and symbolism--history

For specific topics depicted in art, search:

Browsing Call Numbers

level 5  |  FLOOR MAP

N     visual arts in general
NA  architecture
NB  sculpture
NC  drawing, design, illustration
ND  painting
NE  prints
NK  design, decorative arts
NX  visual and performing arts
TR  photography
TS  industrial design (level 2)

Z 40-286  typography


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