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Juvenile Literature: Foreign Language Books

Find Foreign Language Booklists

The Juvenile Books in Foreign Languages Guide (accessible below) offers additional information about foreign langauge books.

Foreign Langauge E-Books

Juvenile Books in Foreign Languages in the HBLL

How to Find Juvenile Books in Foreign Languages in the HBLL

  1. From the library home page, In the top search box: In the Library, type "{name of the language} language juvenile literature" (i.e. "Spanish language juvenile literature" or "French language Juvenile literature"
  2. You can further refine the search by applying filters:
    1. Under Collection select Juvenile Literature
    2. Under Language select the desired language

Free International E-Books

Subject Guide

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Rachel Wadham
1222 Harold B. Lee Library

(801) 422-6780
Subjects: Education