EBSCO Databases
How to cross-search EBSCO databases:
1. Select one database to start.
2. Look for the "Choose Databases" link above the search box.
3. Choose additional databases.
4. Click "OK" (at the top or bottom of the database list) and start searching!
Does your topic include gender? Add Women's Studies International. Does your topic include sociology or psychology? Add APA PsycINFO.
Check the subject guides for more discipline-specific databases.
ProQuest Databases
How to cross-search ProQuest databases:
1. Select one database to start.
2. Look for the "Change Databases" link above the search box.
3. Choose additional databases.
4. Click "Use Select Databases" (at the top or bottom of the database list) and start searching!
Gale Databases
Looking for more? Try the Popular Culture research guide.
1. Use AND to connect ideas in an advanced search.
2. Think of synonyms for your keywords to develop a more complete search. Use OR to add these synonyms.
3. Use an asterisk * to search for multiple endings/suffixes for a word and quotation marks " " to search for an exact phrase.
4. Narrow your search by limiting results to:
Peer-reviewed sources
By publication date
5. Find the full text of an article by looking for:
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1. Use RefWorks to create a shared folder for scholarly articles.
2. Create a shared "Research Notes" Google doc to keep track of keywords, the databases you've searched, new ideas to pursue, etc.
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