Rock the AuditionThis link opens in a new windowOnline training modules for 8 styles of music for pop/rock musical auditions: Motown, 70's Folk/Rock, Disco, 80's Pop/Rock, Contemporary Pop/Rhythm and Blues/Hip-Hop, Rock/Punk, Country/Bluegrass, Faeries. You will need to create your own account listing Brigham Young University as your school in order to access.
Rock the Audition by Sheri SandersComprehensive guide to understanding how to select pop/rock material for auditions. Choose the right song and prepare it from every frame of reference.
Singing and the Actor by Gillyanne KayesContains a structured training program for the singing actor and dancer. Pitching registers and breath management, the communication of sung text and the production of belt, twang and speech qualities.
Call Number: MT 956 .K39 S56 2004
ISBN: 0878301984
Publication Date: 2004-11-03
Singer and Actor by Alan E. HicksAbout theatrical acting technique stemming from Stanislavski's method, and provides singers with a way to complete character preparation. Gives the necessary tools to study roles from audition through rehearsal and performance.
Your Dance Resume by Eric WolframSo where does a dancer go when it comes time to audition? My answer is here,to a copy of a book called Your Dance Resume, which contains fine sample résumés. I hope that this will help dancers who don’t have another dancer’s résumé to borrow -- the author.
3 reasons auditioning is an art in itself by Craig WallaceAuditioning is a dynamic creative process that can shine a light on your soul and test your skills and bravery like few other artistic disciplines can. It is an art form unto itself.
MonologuesBrowse or search for appropriate monologues.
DO NOT lists : overdone songs and monologues by Matthew Edwards“DO NOT” lists can be controversial but can also be a great starting place to figure out if you're singing something everyone else will be singing as well. The following serve as a starting place for your rep search. I will update this list as I receive updates from agents, colleagues, etc.