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Healthcare Industry Research Collaborative: AI Tools

course designations (IS 585R, MSB 385R, and MSB685R)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad term used to describe a variety of tools that can help you save time and spark new insights by enhancing prediction capabilities.  Common fields of AI include machine learning and large language models/generative AI.  There are many AI resources, particularly in the area of generative AI.  This page includes library resources with AI enhanced features and recommended openly available resources.

Article Databases

Within article databases, AI can help you refine and expand your search, narrow your topic, identify new sources, and explain the meaning of dense peer-reviewed articles.

Data and Statistics Databases

Find Sources

Always remember to verify AI generated content by checking the quality and validity of its sources.

Understand Peer-Reviewed Articles

Perform Literature Reviews

These tools allow you to expand a search to related topics that may not appear in a typical database.  Keep in mind that there are limitations to the articles and journals these tools can access.  It's a good idea to search in multiple locations so you don't miss important literature.