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Hyperstat Online Statistics Textbook
Free statistical analysis tools, instructional demos, exercises and problems.
Probability Web
The Probability Web is a collection of probability resources designed to be especially helpful to researchers, teachers, and people in the probability community.
Links to Datasets, Repositories of Datasets, Textbook Datasets, Additional Data Sources, Lists of Data Resources, and Search Engines.
The web's most extensive math resource.
Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram's breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase and AI technology.
Khan Academy
Non-profit organization that had developed simple You-Tube videos on basic Math concepts as well as concepts in other subjects
Linear Algebra Toolkit
British Society for the History of Mathematics
Excellent compilation of material on the history of mathematics and biographies of famous mathematicians
Math Archives
Links to teaching materials, software and websites
Math Problems Online
List of sites which offer math problems, both on the web and published in journals or newspapers
Number Theory Web
Prime Number Research
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
The NIST Handbook and Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.
The R Project for Statistical Computing
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.
R programming for beginners - video
Stata Software
Stata is statistical software for data science, helping to obtain and manipulate data, explore, visualize, model, and make inferences.
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