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Information Systems: IS Theories & Foundations

Library resources available to support the Marriott School Information Systems program.

Links to the IS Theories

  • Absorptive capacity theory.  See this article: Review of semantic Absorptive Capacity (AC) in information system research.
  • Actor network theory. See this article: To reveal is to critique: actor-network theory and critical information systems research
  • Adaptive structuration theory
  • Administrative behavior, theory of
  • Agency theory
  • Argumentation theory
  • Behavioral decision theory
  • Boundary object theory
  • Chaos theory
  • Cognitive dissonance theory
  • Cognitive fit theory
  • Cognitive load theory
  • Competitive strategy (Porter)
  • Complexity theory
  • Contingency theory
  • Critical realism theory
  • Critical social theory
  • Critical success factors, theory of
  • Customer Focus Theory
  • Deferred action, theory of
  • Delone and McLean IS success model
  • Diffusion of innovations theory
  • Dynamic capabilities
  • Elaboration likelihood model
  • Embodied social presence theory
  • Equity theory
  • Evolutionary theory
  • Expectation confirmation theory
  • Feminism theory
  • Fit-Viability theory
  • Flow theory
  • Game theory
  • Garbage can theory
  • General systems theory
  • General deterrence theory
  • Hermeneutics
  • Illusion of control
  • Impression management, theory of
  • Information processing theory
  • Institutional theory
  • International information systems theory
  • Keller's Motivational Model
  • Knowledge-based theory of the firm
  • Language action perspective
  • Information asymmetry theory (lemon market)
  • Management fashion theory
  • Media richness theory
  • Media synchronicity theory
  • Modal aspects, theory of
  • Multi-attribute utility theory
  • Organizational culture theory
  • Organizational information processing theory
  • Organizational knowledge creation
  • Organizational learning theory
  • Portfolio theory
  • Process virtualization theory
  • Prospect theory
  • Punctuated equilibrium theory
  • Real options theory
  • Resource-based view of the firm
  • Resource dependency theory
  • Self-efficacy theory
  • Signaling theory
  • Social capital theory
  • Social cognitive theory
  • Social exchange theory
  • Social learning theory
  • Social network theory
  • Social shaping of technology
  • Socio-technical theory
  • Soft systems theory
  • Stakeholder theory
  • Structuration theory
  • Task closure theory
  • Task-technology fit
  • Technological frames of reference
  • Technology acceptance model
  • Technology dominance, theory of
  • Technology-organization-environment framework
  • Theory of collective action
  • Theory of planned behavior
  • Theory of reasoned action
  • Transaction cost economics
  • Transactive memory theory
  • Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology.  See this article:  Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: A Synthesis and the Road Ahead.
  • Usage control model
  • Work systems theory
  • Yield shift theory of satisfaction