Art & Architecture Source (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowArt Source covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. Providing over 600 full-text journals, more than 220 full-text books, and a collection of over 63,0000 images, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.
ARTbibliographies Modern (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowIndexes abstracts of articles covering visual arts in the 20th century to present. Coverage is from 1974 to the present.
Avery Index to Architecture (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowCoverage of international scholarly and popular periodical literature, professional associations, US state and regional publications, and major serial publications on architecture, design, archaeology, city and urban planning, interior design, and preservation. Indexes from the 1930s (with selective coverage dating back to the 1860s) to the present.
Design and Applied Arts Index (ProQuest)This link opens in a new window1973+ Indexes and abstracts information in design, design-related and photography journals. Includes articles, news items, conference and seminar reports, book reviews, videos, films, exhibitions and illustration. Also includes links to design sites on the Internet. Updated quarterly.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary database, but excellent for art history and visual arts. Also searches Artstor!
Additional Databases
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowThis multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 10,000 journals, including over 9,000 peer-reviewed titles. Academic Search Ultimate offers access to resources cited in key subject indexes. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, womens studies, zoology and more.
Design and Applied Arts Index (ProQuest)This link opens in a new window1973+ Indexes and abstracts information in design, design-related and photography journals. Includes articles, news items, conference and seminar reports, book reviews, videos, films, exhibitions and illustration. Also includes links to design sites on the Internet. Updated quarterly.
Humanities Source (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowThe collection includes full text for more than 1,400 journals, with citations to over 3.5 million articles, including book reviews. Coverage in Humanities Source includes worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought.
American Film Institute CatalogThis link opens in a new windowAFI Catalog is the premier national filmography and is produced in collaboration with the American Film Institute. It documents more than 46,000 American films from 1893-1958 and 1961-1970. Extensive plot summaries, full production and cast information, and notes are provide. AFI Catalog can be searched in conjunction with Film Index International through Film Indexes Online.
FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowThis essential tool for film studies, created by the International Federation of Film Archives, indexes more than 300,000 articles from 300 of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals, dating from 1972 onward. The database also incorporates the International Index to TV Periodicals (1979 - 1998); Treasures from the Film Archives, which identifies silent film holdings in archives around the world, and the International Directory of Film/TV Documentation Collections.
Computers and Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowComputers and Applied Sciences Complete covers the research and development spectrum of the computing and applied sciences disciplines. CASC provides indexing and abstracts for nearly 2,200 academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources from a diverse collection. Full text is also available for more than 1,000 periodicals.
Selected Animation Journal Titles (online and print)
Naxos Music LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe most comprehensive classical music streaming platform. Wide range of standard and specialist repertoire. More than 40,000 composer and artist biographies. A musicology section with articles from scholars, critics, students, industry professionals on their opinions and scholarly approaches on various subjects.
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