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Exercise Sciences: Additional Resources

Finding Statistics



Includes Market Research, Government Statistics, Facility Reports and News, International Market Publications, Customized Research, and Directories



"Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22500 sources on over 60000 topics on the internet's leading statistics database."



Pew Research Group 

A research center that provides the public with facts concerning current issues and trends.

Databases of Clinical Information

Tests and Evaluation Measures

  • PsycTESTS (EBSCO)l
  • Health & Psychosocial Instruments (EBSCO) 
    Health and Psychosocial Instruments is a comprehensive bibliographic database providing information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information in the database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences. Coverage dates from 1910 to the present.
  • ETS Test Collection Database 
  • Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (EBSCO) 

Selected Sport and PE Websites

Health Related Websites

Anatomy Resources

Medical Images

For Creating Presentations