The Netherlands Institute for Art History or RKD is located in The Hague and is home to the largest art history center in the world. Contains the RKD Image Database.
The Warburg Institute Library holds a collection of 360,000 volumes, being the largest collection in the world focused on Renaissance studies and the history of the classical tradition. It includes a large number of unique 19th-20th century books and periodicals (especially German and Italian), as well as several thousand pre-1800 items. Thus far, the online Iconographic Database only contains materials related to Mythology and Astronomy.
Compiled by late Yale University Professor John Michael Montias, contains information from 1,280 inventories of goods (paintings, prints, sculpture, furniture, etc.) owned by people living in 17th century Amsterdam. Drawn from the Gemeentearchief (now known as the Stadsarchief), the actual dates of the inventories range from 1597-1681.
Contains images of art and architecture in Vienna, German national museums, Kunsthistorischen Institut in Florence, and the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (Center of German Documentation for the History of Art)
Biographical information about painters, engravers, printers, book sellers, gold and silversmiths, and others involved in the ‘cultural industries’ of the Low Countries in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Getty Provenance DatabasesContains indexed transcriptions of material from auction catalogs and archival inventories of western European works of art, and contain nearly 1,000,000 records that cover the period from the late 16th century to the early 20th century.
Marburger Index: Photographic Documentation of Art in GermanyBildindex der Kunst & Architektur. Photographs owned by the Bildarchiv Foto Marburg and the Rheinisches Bildarchiv in Cologne, taken between 1850 and 1996. Material covered dates from the Middle Ages to the present, including western and non-western art, architecture, sculpture, etc.
Visual Arts Image Databases (BYU only)
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ArtStorThis link opens in a new windowARTstor is a digital image database of nearly 700,000 images from a wide range of cultures and time periods. It includes tools to manipulate the images for study and teaching. Collections include The Image Collection (key art works used in arts, humanities, social science studies); The Art History Survey collection (concordance of 13 standard art history survey texts); The Carnegie Arts of the United States (American visual arts and material culture); The Hartill Architectural Archive; The Huntington Archive of Asian Art; The Illustrated Bartsch (European prints from 15th-19th centuries); The Mellon International Dunhuang Archive of Chinese art; The MOMA Architecture and Design Archive; The Native American art and Culture from the Smithsonian Institute; and a large number of significant collections being added. For details and tutorials, consult the ARTstor research guide at:
Images may be used for non-commercial, scholarly, and educational purposes.
Bridgeman EducationThis link opens in a new windowBridgeman Education is a complete visual resource offering over 1,000,000 digital images of art, history and culture from global museums, galleries, private collections and contemporary artists all copyright cleared for educational use. Bridgeman Education gives you access to the visual culture of every civilization and every period from Prehistory to the present day across continents and civilisations.
Images may not be used in anything that will be distributed or presented outside of BYU.
Index of Medieval ArtThis link opens in a new windowLargest database of medieval art, with records for over 23,000 works of art dating from early apostolic times to 1400. There are over 60,000 images from institutions such as the Morgan Library (New York); Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, D.C.); The Courtauld Institute (London); Princeton University, Jane Vadnal Image Collection; and the James Austin Photographic Collection. Individual works of art have descriptions and metadata including subject, location, date, school, style, ownership, etc. In addition, there are over 18,000 bibliographic records supporting these works of art. Formerly Index of Christian Art
What is Artstor on JSTOR?
Interdisciplinary collection of over
2.5 million images.
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