Look for Brazilian art books and exhibition catalogs by searching artists' names, artistic styles, time period, country, nationality, museum name, or keyword combinations. Books have subject headings for:
medium. ex: Painting, Brazilian
nationality. ex: Art, Brazilian
genre. ex: Landscape Painting, Brazilian
time period (century). ex: Art, modern--20th century--Brazil
style or movement. ex: baroque AND Brazil
Exhibition Catalogs have subject headings for the name of the artist, subject of the exhibition, and museum or gallery. Use the keyword "exhibitions" and the artist's name or topic.
ex: Oiticica and exhibitions
Museum Catalogs are cataloged by the name of the museum and the subdivision "catalogs". Use the keyword "catalogs" and the museum name.
ex: Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo AND catalogs
Search individual names of artists by subject or author:
Vik Muniz
Beatriz Milhazes
Sebastião Salgado
Anita Malfatti
N visual arts in general
NA architecture
NB sculpture
NC drawing, design, illustration
ND painting
NE prints
NK design, decorative arts
NX visual and performing arts
TR photography
TS industrial design (level 2)
Z 40-286 typography
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