Search by artist's name, country/nationality, century, or topic. Art books have subject headings according to:
If you can't find books about a specific work of art, search by artist, building, medium, or country. Examples of searches:
s= Art, Ancient--Egypt
s= Art, Ancient--Greece
s= Art, Ancient--Middle East
s= Tombs--Egypt
s= Temples--Egypt
s= Art, Egyptian
s= Egypt--Antiquities
s= Egypt--Social conditions
s= Funeral Rites and Ceremonies--Egypt
s= Egypt--Religious life and customs
s= Art, Greek
s= Greece--Social life and customs
s= Sculpture, Greek
s= Mythology, Greek in art
s= Sculpture, Hellenistic
s= Temples, Greek
s= Art, Roman
s= Portrait sculpture, Roman
s= Rome--Antiquities
s= Temples, Roman
s= Women--Rome--Social conditions
For specific topics depicted in art, search:
BY SUBJECT (topic) ... in art
Ex: s= war in art; women in art , etc.
BY KEYWORD (topic) ... AND art
Ex: christianity AND art; revolutions AND art
N visual arts in general
NA architecture
NB sculpture
NC drawing, design, illustration
ND painting
NE prints
NK design, decorative arts
NX visual and performing arts
TR photography
TS industrial design (level 2)
Z 40-286 typography
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