Accessing your sources can seem frustrating when it is not clear how you are supposed to obtain the full text of an article. But here's some good news - 99.995% (roughly) of all the articles and books you could possibly find through the library databases are completely accessible to you through one of a few simple methods.
Full text articles are shown with links to the PDF or HTML full text usually at the bottom of the entry of the listing in your search results. Simply click on this link or the title of the article and you will be redirected to the article. ·Example
A particular database may not have direct full text access, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the Library doesn't have access to it. Many times the article is linked to a full text version in another database. Click on the button for the article to get access to the article via the methods listed below.
Print copy books and journals are housed in the shelves of the Library. Follow the link to locate the call number of the item. ·Example
Other databases listed under the page may have the full text article you are looking for, check the year of your article to make sure you select a compatible database to search in.
Interlibrary Loan is a service provided to students at BYU free of charge. If you are unable to access the book or article by any other method, Interlibrary Loan can get it for you. The Library has made an agreement with hundreds of other libraries in the nation and around the world to allow access to their materials. You simply submit your request, and usually within 24-48 hours you will receive an email informing you that your article has arrived and how to view the full content. ·Example
Once you have found the sources that you want to use for your paper, you will want to store them somewhere so you don't have to go through the entire research process to find them again. There are a couple of options available for you:
Online Citation Managers
RefWorks is an online bibliographic management program. For help using this site, view the following tutorial:
 Exporting Sources from Specific Databases
There are other online citation mangers, such as EndNote, Zotero, BibTex, and more that can be used as well.
Email A common method to store your references is to email the articles to yourself. If you choose to use this method, use the Email option within the database to send yourself the full article. Do NOT simply copy and paste the URL into your email. Sometimes this will work, but often the URL is interconnected with that specific browser session and will not function once the session is closed.
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9am - 5pm
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