If you would like to request library instruction specific to a course assignment, please contact your Subject Librarian who can arrange for your class to receive that instruction in one of the library's instruction rooms. Check the library directory for Subject Librarian contact information.
If your students need help with their writing, send them to the Research and Writing Center on level 3 of the library. There are Writing Center tutors who can teach students how improve their writing skills, and there are also library assistants available to help students with basic research.
For more information about the RWC go to:https://rwc.byu.edu/
If you would like material placed on reserve for your students to read, please contact the library's Course Reserve team at: (801) 422-2947 or library_reserve@byu.edu
Collaborate with a librarian to develop a Course Guide that will guide your students to specific resources for their research papers and class assignment(s). Here's a link to current Course Guides: http://guides.lib.byu.edu/cat.php?cid=14099. If you would like to request a course guide, contact your Subject Librarian or Reference Specialist in the library department that supports the subject of your course, and we'll be glad to develop a guide for your class.
Would you like your students to view a film together? The Music, Dance & Media area on Level 4 houses a large collection of documentary, educational, foreign, and commercial entertainment DVDs and videos. Go to the Film Finder search to review what we have. Instructors may put media on Course Reserve for students to view as well. The Experiential Zone also has several viewing room options:
Room 4824 is a state of the art HD Viewing Room that can be reserved by faculty, students and staff. The room has 43 auditorium seats, an HD projector, sound surround and a Blu-ray player. The room does not have a computer, but does have VGA or HDMI cables for your use. Please note, if bringing a Mac laptop to hook to the system, the room is not equipped with different Mac adapters necessary to hook up your device. Please bring your own adapter.
There are also three small viewing rooms, where 5-8 patrons can view videos in a small group setting.
To reserve any of the above viewing rooms online go to http://mediaviewrooms.lib.byu.edu/.
Send your students to the Help Desk for the subject area of your class where they can get one-on-one assistance finding material for their research topics. If you would like a help desk to provide specific services for class assignments, please contact the Reference Specialist for the help desk and they will be glad to work with you.
The Experiential Studio on level 4 of the library provides unique opportunities for interdisciplinary, library-integrated, and experiential learning. The studio includes:
One large teaching area reservable by faculty/staff
Two breakout rooms reservable by students/faculty/staf
Access to prototyping materials
Multiple large HD screens mounted through each area for digital collaboration
Whiteboards on every wall
Instructors: Apply to teach semester-long classes in the studio
For a virtual tour and more information go to: https://lib.byu.edu/services/experiential-studio/