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Latter-day Saint Art: Books

Finding Books in the Lee Library & in Other Libraries

Helpful Subject Headings

Museum and Exhibition Catalogs

Exhibition Catalogs have subject headings for the name of the artist, subject of the exhibition, and name of the museum or gallery. To find exhibition catalogs, use the keyword "exhibitions" and the artist's name or topic.  Ex: Teichert AND exhibitions

Museum Catalogs are catalogs of a museum's permanent collection, and are cataloged by the name of the museum and the subdivision "catalogs" in the subject. To find museum catalogs, use the keyword "catalogs" and the name of the museum. Ex: Museum of Church History & Art 

Bibliography Maker

Create and format your own bibliography of articles, books, etc. Import references from databases and use the style guide of your choice!  Step-by-Step Guide

Subject Headings for Art Books

Art books are cataloged according to the following subject patterns:

MEDIUM | ex: painting, sculpture, installation

NATIONALITY | ex: art, American

GENRE | ex: landscape painting; portrait painting

TIME PERIOD (century) | ex: art, modern--20th century

STYLE/MOVEMENT | ex: impressionism (art)