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The Reformation Collection: Luther

An introduction to primary sources at L. Tom Perry Special Collections

Selected Special Collections Holdings

Martin Luther, 1483-1546

Resolutionis disputationum de indulgentiarum virtute (Theses from the disputation on the power of indulgences). Wittenberg: Johann Rhau-Grunenberg, 1518.

Luther's 95 theses on indulgences were originally distributed as propositions for an academic debate, but he also mailed copies to Pope Leo X and the Archbishop of Mainz. The theses quickly spread through print, but Luther felt like his ideas were misinterpreted by other theologians and church leaders. With this work, also directed to Pope Leo X, Luther tried to explain his theses more fully.

  • Call number: Vault Collection 284.1 L97d 1518

Teütscher Adel. An den Christenlichen Adel Teütscher Nation (To the Christian nobility of the German nation). Strassburg: Martin Flach, 1520.

Luther’s appeal to the German nobility, including the emperor, to reform the Roman church through civil action. He asserts the doctrine of universal priesthood of all believers. This pamphlet was one of ten editions published in 1520.

  • Call number: Vault Collection 284.1 L97 v.4 no.7

Von der Babylonischen gefenchknuss der Kirche (On the Babylonian captivity of the church). Augsburg: Silvan Otmar, 1520.

Luther attacks contemporary doctrine on the sacraments, including the Eucharist. He teaches that the only true Christian sacraments are the rites instituted by Christ as revealed in scripture: baptism and the Eucharist. This pamphlet contains a full-page woodcut portrait of Luther by Lucas Cranach.

  • Call number: Vault Collection 284.1 L97von 1520

Von der Freyheyt eynes Christen menschen (On Christian Liberty). Wittenberg: Melchior Lotter, 1520.


The third of Luther’s important 1520 tracts, this pamphlet outlines his beliefs on the relationship between faith and works. This edition omits the letter to Pope Leo X.

  • Call number: Vault Collection 080 A1 no. 14

(Luther's New Testament). Das gantz Nüw Testament recht grüntlich vertütscht. Zürich: Johannes Hager, 1524.

Luther’s translation of the New Testament was based on the Greek New Testament published by Erasmus. The Luther translation first appeared in 1522. Luther later translated the Old Testament from Hebrew, publishing his version of the entire Bible in 1534.

Call number: Vault Collection 225.44 L97 1524

HBLL Databases

HBLL Print Resources

Martin Luther, Works. Edited by J. Pelikan and H. Lehmann. St. Louis: Concordia, 1955-86.
This 55-volume set comprises Luther's complete works in English translation.

HBLL Stacks BR 330 .E5 1955

Martin Luther's basic theological writings. Edited by Timothy F. Lull. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1989.
Selections in English.

  • HBLL Stacks BR 331 .E5 1989a