CRC Handbook of Chemistry & PhysicsThis link opens in a new windowWeb access to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Searchable by keyword, property, and compound. A number of the tables may be sorted and rearranged to create customized tables.
Web Thermo TablesThis link opens in a new windowWTT (Web Thermodynamic Tables)--Professional Edition, a Web version of the TRC Thermodynamic Tables (TRC is formerly the Thermodynamics Research Center from the Texas A & M University). This database is the web version of the Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Thermodynamic Tables, previously produced by TRC in print format, and has now been taken over by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The critically evaluated physical and thermodynamic data are provided in tabular form according to property groups. There are eight property groups included in the TRC Web Thermo Tables (WTT). They are: (1) critical properties, (2) vapor pressure and boiling temperatures, (3) phase transition properties, (4) volumetric properties, (5) heat capacities and derived properties, (6) transport properties, (7) refraction, surface tension, and speed of sound, and (8) reaction state-change properties. Detailed lists of the properties available within each group are provided with pull down lists and the Help Documentation for that group. Not all properties have been evaluated for all compounds. This web version is much easier to search and chemical compounds find their data than the print version.
NIST Chemistry WebbookInformation on chemicals, including physical properties and spectroscopy information (IR, Mass Spec & NMR)
Phase OnlineThis link opens in a new windowAccess to more than 31,000 critically evaluated diagrams for understanding temperature-dependent material interactions in ceramic and inorganic systems, PHASE provides the most complete phase data with updated analysis capabilities.
ICSDThis link opens in a new windowInorganic Crystal Structure Database is the world's largest database for completely determined inorganic crystal structures. The ICSD contains an almost exhaustive list of known inorganic crystal structures published since 1913, including their atomic coordinates.
Merck indexThis link opens in a new windowThe Merck Index is an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals that contains more than 10,000 monographs. Each monograph in this authoritative reference source is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds.
Smithsonian Physical Tables (9th Revised Edition)This link opens in a new windowOriginally published by Smithsonian Institution Press, this classic reference source comprises 901 tables of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those involved with physics in its larger sense. All entries in the index are hyperlinked to their page numbers.
Design Institute for Physical Properties (DIPPR)This link opens in a new windowOnly available on-campus. Experimental and property data for over 1600 commercially important chemicals and substances. Published by the BYU DIPPR Thermophysical Properties Laboratory.
International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and TechnologyThis link opens in a new windowAlternate title: International Critical Tables. This classic and well-known reference was originally published for the National Research Council in 7 volumes. It contains an enormous amount of critical data on inorganic and organic compounds, and pure substances. The original 1000-page index is hyperlinked to each entry's appropriate page.
International PharmacopoeiaThis link opens in a new windowThe International Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Int.) constitutes a collection of recommended procedures for analysis and specifications for the determination of pharmaceutical substances, excipients, and dosage forms that is intended to serve as source material for reference or adaptation by any WHO Member State wishing to establish pharmaceutical requirements. The pharmacopoeia, or any part of it, shall have legal status, whenever a national or regional authority expressly introduces it into appropriate legislation.The history of The International Pharmacopoeia dates back to 1874 when the need to standardize terminology and to specify dosages and composition of drugs led to attempts to produce an international pharmacopoeial compendium.
AOCS MethodsThis link opens in a new windowTo access, create an account with your email address. Since the 1920s, the global fats and oils industry has relied on the analytical standards of the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS (AOCS Methods) for processing, trading, utilizing, and evaluating fats, oils, and lipid products. Worldwide acceptance has made the AOCS Methods a requirement wherever fats and oils are analyzed, they contain the methodology required for proficiency testing in the Laboratory Proficiency Program (LPP), as well as AOCS Laboratory Certification. Additionally, AOCS methods are internationally recognized for trade, and several are listed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
No systematic downloading. May not provide access to database or materials to any third party. May not modify, alter, or create derivative works of the materials. For scholarly, noncommercial use only.
AACC International Approved Methods of AnalysisThis link opens in a new windowThe most respected, referred to, and relied upon source in the field of grain science and technology containing standardized methods of analysis among cereal laboratories.
ACS Guide to Scholarly CommunicationThis link opens in a new windowMore than a set of rules for creating a well-formatted document to be published in a journal, the ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication is the go-to tool to help students, librarians, researchers, and educators communicate effectively and make their research stand out.
CAS Source Index (CASSI) search toolThis link opens in a new windowThe CAS Source Index (CASSI) search tool is a web-based resource intended to support researchers and librarians who need accurate bibliographic information. This new tool has been created as a free-of-charge resource that will enable researchers to confirm journal titles and journal title abbreviations in an easily accessible electronic format.
Journal Citation ReportsThis link opens in a new window2002-present. JCR presents quantifiable statistical citation data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. Covers more than 7,000 of the world's most highly cited, peer-reviewed journals in approximately 200 disciplines. Includes Science Edition and Social Science Edition.
JournalSeekGenamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of freely available journal information available on the internet. Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN.
Beyond CASSIThis PDF features journal title abbreviations from early chemical literature and other historical reference sources that may not be listed in the CASSI Search Tool.
UlrichswebThis link opens in a new windowUlrichsweb is the online version of Ulrich's Periodical Directory. It contains a quarter-million records (journals, newsletters, newspapers, etc.) that are published world-wide. Each record provides publishing information, price, state date, where it is indexed, email links, etc. Updated daily.
Protocols and Software
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (CSH)This link opens in a new windowCold Spring Harbor Protocols is a definitive, interactive source of new and classic research techniques. The database is fully searchable by keyword and subject, and it has many novel features,such as discussion forums and personal folders made possible by online publication. Its coverage includes cell and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, and imaging. Protocols are presented step-by-step and edited in the style that has made Molecular Cloning, Antibodies, Cells and many other CSH manuals essential to the work of scientists worldwide. Protocols will be continuously expanded, updated, and annotated by the originators and users of the techniques.
Springer ProtocolsThis link opens in a new windowSpringer Protocols is the largest subscription-based electronic database of reproducible laboratory protocols in the Life and Biomedical Sciences.
ChemBioOffice UltraChemBioOffice Ultra is CambridgeSoft Corporation's full suite of integrated scientific desktop software applications designed to aid individual chemists and biologists at their desktops, while also providing a shared solution benefiting scientists across an institution.
Online Reference Material
LensThis link opens in a new windowUS, European and World wide collections searchable in full text of the entire specifications, with links to global patent families. Single inventions may have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of related patent documents in up to 80 different jurisdictions. See and explore these relationships.
Encyclopedia of Life SciencesThis link opens in a new windowELS is a comprehensive encyclopedia of all subjects in the life sciences. Each article is written by experts in the discipline of the biological subjects. About 20% of the articles are updated each year.
The Periodic Table of VideosTables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one.
SpringerLinkThis link opens in a new windowSpringer publishes millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.
Videos that demonstrate how to execute basic techniques commonly used in cellular and molecular biology
Selected Chemistry Websites
National Center for Biotechnology InformationLinks to Genbank database, tools for data mining including BLAST, COGS, MapViewer, LocusLink, UniGen, ORF finder, Electronic PCR, VAST search, CCAP, Human-Mouse Homology maps, VecScreen, and Cancer Genome Anatomy Project. Also provides access to Entrez: a retrieval system for searching several linked databases, including PubMed, Nucleotide sequence database, protein sequence database, structure, genome, population data sets, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, taxonomy, 3D domains, ProbeSet, and online books.
National Library of MedicineThis link opens in a new windowPubMed provides Web access to resources of the National Library of Medicine, the world's largest biomedical library. Includes access to MEDLINE, PREMEDLINE, and molecular biology databases from the Entrez retrieval system. searches over 45 databases and over 2000 selected websites from 14 federal agencies, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results.
ToxnetThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to a system of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, toxic release lists and related areas.
Call Number: QD 257 .P74 2002-RESERVE PERSONAL COPY
ISBN: 0970804210
Publication Date: 2002-01-01
ACS Style Guide
ACS Style GuideThis link opens in a new windowThe American Chemical Society Style Guide is the definitive source for all information needed to write, review, submit, and edit scholarly and scientific manuscripts.
Professional and Graduate School Practice Test Information
Testing & Education Reference Center (Gale)This link opens in a new windowTERC contains over 100 practice tests and courses to help students prepare for educational tests including the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, MAT, NCLEX, and PRAXIS. Information about graduate schools and careers is also included.