Life: | b.1862 d.1922 |
Genres: | Poetry, Biography, Realistic Fiction |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, articles, reviews |
Active: | 1884-1905 |
Genres: | Folklore, Realistic Fiction |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English | |
Criticism: | Books, articles, reviews |
Lifetime: | 1864-1913 |
Genres: | Poetry, Fairytales, Satire |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles |
Active: | 1892-1996 |
Genres: | Poetry, Short Story, Essays |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles |
Lifetime: | b.1896 d.1933 |
Genres: | Poetry, Children's |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books |
Active: | 1914-1927 |
Genres: | Short Story |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
Active: | 1910-1946 |
Genres: | I-Novel |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Book, Reviews |
Career: | 1954-1994 |
Genres: | Historical Fiction |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles |
Career: | 1909-1963 |
Genres: | fiction, drama, essays, silent film scenarios |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
Career: | 1941-1970 |
Genres: | Drama, Fiction, Plays |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: |
Career: | 1957-2013 |
Genres: | fiction, short story, essay |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, articles, reviews |
Career: | 1926-1972 |
Genres: | Novels, Short Story |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
Career: | 1926-1976 |
Genres: | Play, Novels about sexuality, gender, identity |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles |
Career: | 1988-present |
Genre: | Realistic Fiction |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Book |
Career: | 1986-present |
Genres: | Magical Realism |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
Career: | 1984-present |
Genres: | Mystery, Thriller |
Writings: | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
Career: | 1979-present |
Genres: | Magical Realism, Science Fiction |
Writings: | |
Japanese | |
English (trans.) | |
Criticism: | Books, Articles, Reviews |
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All books published in Asian languages are located on the 4th Floor in the Asian Collection. English materials on Asian topics are located in different parts of the library. All Japanese Language and Literature
If you are looking for an English translation, it will be on the 5th floor. But if you are looking for a book in Japanese, it will be on the 4th floor. The exception is children's books which will be on the 1st floor regardless of language.
Only a fraction of the library's books are available in digital format. Those who browse the stacks always discover additional research materials! Books on the same topics are shelved next to each other, so if you find one relevant book, you will likely find others next to it on the shelf. You can also do this online by using the alphabetic browse or the "search books nearby" function on the library website.
If you have trouble finding a book ask the Asian Studies Librarian or inquire at any library help desk.