Film Quarterly (1945–present)
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1971–present)
Film Criticism (1976–present)
Literature/Film Quarterly (1973–present)
Use these databases to locate scholarly articles about Japanese Film. While there may be some overlap in what you discover with your search, keep in mind that each database includes some unique works of academic literature. So, searching more than one database will provide you with different resources. For detailed information about each database, click the relevant "Information Icon" .
EBSCO Databases
These databases can be searched at the same time by clicking on the "Choose Databases" link above the search bar. The more databases you add, the more likely you are to find articles, but it can also take longer to load.
ProQuest Databases
Try searching these databases at the same time.
Additional Databases/Resources
Below are influential Japanese Directors and links to resources about them at the library.
b.1910 d.1998 |
Genres: Samurai, Gangster, Drama |
Films directed by Kurosawa |
Books & Screenplays by Kurosawa |
Books & Articles on Kurosawa/Works |
b. 1903 d.1963 |
Genres: shomin-geki (commoner drama) |
Films by Ozu |
Articles & Screenplays by Ozu |
Books & Articles on Ozu/Works |
b.1941 |
Genre: Anime |
Films directed by Miyazaki |
Books (Art, Manga, Fiction) by Miyazaki |
Books & Articles on Miyazaki/Works |
b.1935 d. 2018 |
Genres: Anime |
Films directed by Takahata |
Books & Articles on Takahata/works |
b.1962 |
Genres: Documentary, Drama |
Films directed by Koreeda |
Books & Articles on Koreeda/works |
In the library homepage search box, use either the advanced search option or the left sidebar to narrow search results. Results can be narrowed under Subject or Genre/Style. Below are some example searches.
There are viewing stations in the library (ask at a help desk). You can also check out DVD and BlueRay disks.
If you have a suggestion for what the library should order, fill out this form. You must have a library account to do so.
Through HBLL:
Hover over the link to learn more about the resource. Click this link to recommend a title for the library to purchase.
External Streaming Services:
Below are different lists and rankings for Japanese Films.