Academic Video Online allows users to cross-search all of the video published by Alexander Street Press, including disciplines in Education, Environmental Studies, Health, and Biology.
Education in Video is the first online collection of streaming video developed specifically for training and developing teachers. Upon completion, the collection will contain more than 1,000 video titles totaling 750 hours of teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.
The Films on Demand collections provide unlimited, 24/7 access to videos across multiple disciplines, such as biology, earth science, environmental science, health & medicine, and education.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a peer reviewed, PubMed indexed journal devoted to the publication of biological, medical, chemical and physical research in a video format.
ScholarsArchive is Brigham Young University’s institutional repository for the scholarly and creative content produced by the University. ScholarsArchive makes research, publications, and data produced by BYU faculty and students available worldwide.
Electronic theses at the Benson Institute deal with real-world application of advanced research in agriculture and nutrition sponsored by the Benson Institute at Brigham Young University. Most theses are written in Spanish with translated English abstracts.