Cambridge Dictionaries OnlineChoose one of four dictionaries (Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge Dictionary of American English, Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, or Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs); then enter a word to read a definition.
Dictionary (Merriam-Webster Online)This online version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition (2003), searches both words and phrases, verifies spelling, pronunciation, definitions, and the earliest use of English language words.
Dictionary of Old English CorpusThis link opens in a new windowThe Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first centuries (600-1150 A.D.) of the English language, using today's most advanced technology. The DOE complements the Middle English Dictionary (which covers the period 1100-1500 A.D.) and the Oxford English Dictionary, the three together providing a full description of the vocabulary of English.
Dictionaries of the World: YourDictionary.comA great preliminary jumping-off point that links to over 500 online dictionaries available in over 140 different languages. Includes multilingual as well as specialized English dictionaries, along with other linguistic tools and features for help with grammar, synonyms, translation, and more.
Emily Dickinson LexiconA comprehensive dictionary of over 9,275 words and variants found in ED's collected poems.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) OnlineThis link opens in a new windowThe OED Online contains the complete searchable text of over half a million words from the 20 volume 2nd Edition. The dictionary traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations, offers etymological analysis, listings of variant spellings, and shows pronunciations. 1000 new and revised entries added quarterly. NOTE: The reference to the hard copy of the Oxford English Dictionary is HUM REF PE 1625 .O87
Oxford Language Dictionaries OnlineThis link opens in a new windowOxford Language Dictionaries Online (OLDO) features fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages. Offering over 4 million words, phrases and translations in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. OLDO also features native speaker audio pronunciation - allowing you to hear how words actually sound. More than just a dictionary, OLDO offers a complete suite of language learning support materials for users of all levels: click-through verb tables and pronunciation charts, explanations of grammatical terms, hundreds sample letters, CVs and resumes, notes on life and culture, guidance on grammar and idiomatic usage, extensive links to other sites for further research, and more.
Webster's 1844 ed. DictionaryWebster's 1844 ed. dictionary in preparation at Webster's death in 1843. Includes the supplementary words from the 1841 ed., for a total of over 81,948 words.
Online Corpora
English CorporaOver 200 BILLION separate words (in context) from different registers and from varying discrete sources, including contemporary and historical American English, the World Wide We, Wikipedia, Coronavirus, TV, movies, soap operas, the Supreme Court, TIME Magazine, early and contemporary British and Canadian Corpora, plus Google Books comparative n-grams
International Corpus of Learner EnglishThis link opens in a new windowICLE is a computerized corpus of argumentative essays on different topics written by advanced learners of English (university students of English mainly in their second or third year). The ICLE project was launched in 1990 by Sylviane Granger, University of Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium, and in 2002 the corpus was released in CD-ROM format, accompanied by a handbook which describes its structure and the status of English in the countries of origin of the learners. The corpus is made up of a number of subcorpora representing the following language backgrounds: Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. There is also a smaller comparable corpus of British and American undergraduate essays. The length of the essays varies between 500 and 1000 words. (as described by bo Akademi - Finland)