This Guide was created to support Business Management 490R - Global Strategy. This course focuses on the challenges of developing and implementing strategies in global industries.
Mergent Archives is an online database featuring a vast, indexed collection of more than a centurys worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries.
Company Profiles & Financials
Capital IQThis link opens in a new windowFirst time: create "New User" at top right and use your email. CapitalIQ contains detailed company financials. CapIQ is co-located with the Bloomberg terminal at the Social Sciences desk on level one of the library.
For academic, noncommercial use only.
Audit AnalyticsThis link opens in a new windowAudit Analytics provides detailed research on over 20,000 public companies and more than 1,500 accounting firms in the US. The module Audit and Compliance and Corporate and Legal module covers current or past auditor firms, auditor changes, fees, opinions, SOX 302 disclosure controls, SOX 404 internal controls, legal cases, director and officer changes, company history, share price details, income statement and compliance difficulties. The Corporate and Legal module is an integrated collection of databases focused on actions, disclosures and correspondence by companies, advisers, regulators and investors. It includes five data sets: SEC Comment Letters, bankruptcies, litigation, shareholder activism and tax footnotes.
Mergent IntellectThis link opens in a new windowMergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence. Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with DandB's private company database, Mergent Intellect provides access to private and public US and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.
Mergent OnlineThis link opens in a new windowMergent offers a wealth of detail on US and International public companies including business description, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors, long-term debt and capital stock. Financial statements are presented in "as-reported" form and in native currencies.
MarketLineThis link opens in a new windowFrom Aerospace and Automotive to Media, Mining and Textiles, MarketLine covers every company in every major industry in every major marketplace, worldwide.
Mergent ArchivesThis link opens in a new windowMergent Archives is an online database featuring a vast, indexed collection of more than a centurys worth of global corporate and industry related documents. This collection contains hundreds of thousands of reports covering over 100 countries and industries.
Bloomberg Terminal [at Social Sciences Desk]This link opens in a new windowProvides both current and historical activity on stocks and other securities for both domestic and international companies. BLOOMBERG also monitors government bonds, T-bills, etc. Available at Social Science Help Desk. Updated daily.
PitchbookThis link opens in a new windowMust first create a login using a email address. Research and analyze companies, deals, funds, investors and service providers across the entire private investment lifecycle. For educational use at BYU only.
For educational use only.
PitchbookThis link opens in a new windowMust first create a login using a email address. Research and analyze companies, deals, funds, investors and service providers across the entire private investment lifecycle. For educational use at BYU only.
For educational use only.
FactivaThis link opens in a new windowGlobal news and business information service including Dow Jones and Reuters newswires, The Wall Street Journal, and thousands of other national and international newspapers in multiple languages. Also provides financial market data and company information.
No Systematic Downloading. Factiva may not be used for data mining, text mining, or trend analysis functions.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)This link opens in a new windowWharton Research Data Services (WRDS) is a platform for datasets from BoardEx, CRSP, COMPUSTAT, IBES, Refinitiv, and more. Data includes security prices, trading volumes, indices, financial statements, executive compensation, bond prices, interest rates, options data, macroeconomic time series, and mutual fund and stock ownership information. After entering a email address, please use the link in the day pass email to gain access.
EDGARFrom the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Includes annual reports, quarterly reports, balance sheet, income statement, security activity and analysis and much more
Private Companies
PrivCoThis link opens in a new windowPrivCo is the premiere source for business and financial data on major, non-publicly traded corporations, including family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies. First-time users must create a username.
Mergent IntellectThis link opens in a new windowMergent Intellect is a highly flexible web-based application that features a deep collection of worldwide business information that enables companies to generate insightful business intelligence. Coupling Mergent's expertise in developing products for the reference marketplace with DandB's private company database, Mergent Intellect provides access to private and public US and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, the ability to access industry profiles and much more.
Non-Profit Companies
GuideStarThis link opens in a new windowGuideStar provides data on every IRS registered non-profit organization. Discover the mission, legitimacy, impact, reputation, finances, programs, transparency, and governance of over 1.8 million nonprofit organizations.
FactivaThis link opens in a new windowGlobal news and business information service including Dow Jones and Reuters newswires, The Wall Street Journal, and thousands of other national and international newspapers in multiple languages. Also provides financial market data and company information.
No Systematic Downloading. Factiva may not be used for data mining, text mining, or trend analysis functions.
ProQuest One BusinessThis link opens in a new windowAn intuitive and comprehensive business library containing millions of full-text items across scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, market research reports, dissertations, books, videos, and more.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBusiness Source Ultimate is a collection of popular business magazines, scholarly journals, and trade publications, including the Harvard Business Review. Business Source Premier covers accounting, banking, finance, international business, management, marketing, real estate, regional studies, sales, trade and technology.
Click EXECUTIVE if you know the name or Click ADVANCE then EXECUTIVE CRITERIA to search by job title, function and/or geography.
Industry Ratios
Mergent Key Business Ratios (KBR)This link opens in a new windowKey Business Ratios on the Web (KBR) provides immediate online access to competitive benchmarking data. This powerful tool lets researchers examine industry benchmarks compiled from D&B's database of public and private companies, featuring 14 key business ratios (users choose a one-year or three-year set of ratios) for public and private companies in 800 lines of business.
Company Complaints
ConsumerAffairs.comThis database is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for response.
This database doesn't list specific complaints but you can find articles about how companies deal with complaints and other customer service related articles. Use keywords for example: "frontier airlines" AND complaints
Morningstar Investment Research CenterThis link opens in a new windowMorningstar provides information, data and analysis of stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and variable annuity/life subaccounts.
No Systematic Downloading. Factiva may not be used for data mining, text mining, or trend analysis functions.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)This link opens in a new windowCRSP is the most comprehensive source for stocks traded on the New York, American and NASDAQ exchanges. Daily prices are available from 1962 for the NYSE and AMEX and 1972 for NASDAQ. Monthly prices are available from 1925 for the NYSE, 1962 for AMEX and 1972 for NASDAQ. There is also data for mutual funds, REITs and U.S. Treasury issues.
Yahoo! FinanceDaily, weekly and monthly open, high, low, close, volume, and close adjusted for splits and dividends. Search for a stock and then select "historical prices". Data are available back as far as 1962, depending on the stock (the earliest available date will be displayed automatically). Also covers mutual funds, indices and exchange traded funds.
Google FinanceDaily and weekly open, high, low, close and volume. Prices are adjusted for splits and dividends, but these actions are not indicated when the data are downloaded. Data are available as far back as forty years but there is no easy way to determine the earliest available date.