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Graphic Novels: Finding Books

Searching Tips

There are several different subject headings for graphic novels. While searching for graphic novels, you may want to try some of the following subject headings in an alphabetic or keyword search:

Graphic Novels
Graphic Novels United States
Comic Books Strips Etc
Comic Books Strips Etc United States
Fantasy Comic Books, Strips, etc.

Ways to Search For Books

Theses & Dissertations

Search the library catalog for BYU theses and dissertations.

Book Reviews

Here are some sources for book reviews.  Also go to the Website page and find sites that provide reviews for graphic novels.

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Level 5
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm


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Bibliography Managers

Use one of these tools to import references of books, articles, and websites into folders and keep them organized.  Create in-text citations and format your bibliography for your paper too.