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MBA 543 Library Guide: Difficult Feedback Conversations

Library Resources: Communication Skills for Business Leaders

Giving/receiving feedback

Harms, P. L., & Roebuck, D. (2010). Teaching the Art and Craft of Giving and Receiving FeedbackBusiness Communication Quarterly73(4), 413-431. doi:10.1177/1080569910385565

Kaplan, R. S. (2011). Top executives need feedback-here's how they can get it. Mckinsey Quarterly, (4), 60-71.

Hacker, C. A. (2003). Mainting Positive Relationships When Giving and Receiving Critical Feedback. Information Systems Management20(4), 77-79.

Communication in sticky situations

Bartram, P. (2012). 8 ways to...deliver bad news to the board.Financial Management (14719185), 36-37.

Bies, R. J. (2013). The Delivery of Bad News in Organizations: A Framework for Analysis. Journal Of Management39(1), 136-162. doi:10.1177/0149206312461053

Ensall, S. (2007). expert's view… delivering bad newsPersonnel Today, 31.

French, S. L., & Holden, T. (2012). Positive Organizational Behavior: A Buffer for Bad News. Business Communication Quarterly75(2), 208-220. doi:10.1177/1080569912441823

Manzoni, J. (2002). A Better Way to Deliver Bad News. Harvard Business Review80(9), 114-119. -  Search Business Source Premier Database for full-text.

Communicating in Difficult Situations. (2009). People Management,15(12), 42.

Suddath, C. (2013). The Right Way for a CEO to Deliver Bad News.Businessweek.Com, 6

Your Communication Style. (2010). Managing People at Work, (334), 3.

Difficult conversations

Adams, S. (2011). How to Have That Impossible Conversation at WorkForbes.Com, 20.

De Vita, E. (2012). HOW TO have a difficult conversation.Management Today, 42.

Stilliard, B., & Holton, V. (2013). How to tackle that difficult conversation. Public Finance, (10), 44.
