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Theatre & Media Design: Sound

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s= Sounds

s= Theaters Sound Effects

s= Production Music

s= Animal sounds

s= Ambient sounds

s= Nature sounds

Sound & Music Sources

At the Music and Dance Desk on Level 4:

MLL CD M 2.5 .M32 O53 1994 vols. 1-3 (100 Spectacular Sound Effects)

MLL CD M 5 .S678 1994 (Sounds of Nature and the Great Outdoors)

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Humanities  Reference
Level 5
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm


BYU Film Music Archives

BYU Film Music Archives, part of L. Tom Perry Special Collections, contains materials that BYU began collecting more than two decades ago. First acquired were the files and recordings of Republic Pictures and Max Steiner, acknowledged founder of modern film music, whose collection documents his more than 300 scores.