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Music 510: Band Literature: Home

About Music 510

PREREQUISITES: Instructor's consent.

Course Description

Concentrated study of band literature through analysis and conducting.


Course Outcomes:

Identify and describe elements of form, rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, dynamics, timbres, style and phrasing in a variety of band or orchestral scores.

Describe the evolution of various large scale instrumental forms and trace the development of the styles and composition techniques in band history--while citing research sources for adding to that information.

List significant composers for the instrumental genres of band or orchestra music and name their most prominent works--while citing research sources for additional information.


Published on Apr 28, 2012

"BYU Wind Symphony " Hamburg Wartenau Pfahlzentrum/Stakecenter Deutschland / Germany

The Stars and Stripes Forever by John Philip Sousa. 25 April 2012

Performing Arts Librarian

Profile Photo
Myrna Layton
4431 HBLL
Phone or Text 801-422-4334
Subjects: Music & Dance, Theatre

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