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Cell Biology and Physiology: PDBIO 484

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Greg Nelson
2313 HBLL
Provo, UT 84606
(801) 422-9066

Finding Articles

These 3 databases can be used to find background information and research articles on your topic.

Finding Images

Medical and anatomy images you can use in your presentation

Presentation Etiquette

It will help you learn the material, feel more confident, sound smarter, and keep within the timeframe.

Don’t exceed the time limit.
Respect your audience, their time is valuable. Besides, people tend to stop listening when you go over anyway.

Bring a back-up copy.
You can email it to yourself, save it on a flash drive and/or print out a handout that can be photocopied, if necessary.

Show up early. 
Make sure your presentation is going to work in advance so you have time to troubleshoot if there are problems.

Creating Effective PowerPoint Slides

The purpose of your slides are to enhance what you are already telling the audience. 
Limiting words
Your audience will be distracted by anything they have to read. Limit words to only those that will engage them in what you are saying.
Choose san-serif font at 18pt or larger.
Use high contrast colors.
Dark lettering on a white background or white lettering on a dark background are the easiest to read.  
Visual Noise
Only use images that you are going to discuss or that support what you are saying. 
Avoid multiple images on a page.
Use a pointer only when necessary.
Don't include clip art, word art, or animations.
Graphics should be easily read and understood by your audience with little to no explanation. 
If the graphic has too much information, consider cropping or blurring what is not needed. If necessary, recreate tables and charts that are easier to read.