You can search and browse our digital collections at the following links:
All of our digitized materials are linked in ArchiveSpace, which is a database of every manuscript in our collections. To search for digital records, follow the link below, type in your search item, and change the "Limit by record type" field to "Limit to digital materials".
When you find a record you are interested in, click on the record. It will take you to a page that looks something like this. You may need to use the arrows on the right-hand side to expand and navigate to a specific item.
Once you have clicked through, click on the picture of the journal or photograph. This will take you to a viewer where you can see the entire digitized record.
Turn pages by using the arrow buttons or the right-side navigator.
Some journals have transcripts. Scroll down and click on the arrow that says "Transcript".
Downloading and Printing
To print or download single pages from ContentDM, click on the button on the upper-right corner.
To print multiple pages at once, such as an entire journal, scroll down to the bottom of the right-side navigator. Click on "Printing Version", scroll down and click on the drop-down that also says "Printing Version". The top right corner has a printing icon. Click on it, then click on "This Item". Follow the instructions for your printer.