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Government & Politics
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Social Sciences Data: Government & Politics
This guide is a source for finding data to complete research projects and data analysis assignments
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United States
Federal Elections Commission
Find data on campaign finance with transaction level data for raising and spending money.
American National Election Studies (ANES)
Create a free account to download time series election data from 1948-on. Data formats available include Stata, SPSS, and R.
Pew Research Center
Create a free account to download datasets on opinion polls and demographics, including data about politics and policy.
Roper Center
Find opinion poll data on a variety of public policy issues.
Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections (DIME)
Data from Stanford on campaign finance and ideology from 1979-2014. DIME+ also includes data on legislative voting and lawmaking.
Crime & Justice
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Find data on topics such as courts, crime, law enforcement, and victims.
FBI Crime Data Explorer
Access data and visualizations on crime and law enforcement in the United States, going back to 1985.
Real-Time Crime Index
United States crime data from 2018-present. Gathers data from hundreds of state and local agencies across the country to provide more recent data than the FBI.
United Nations Crime & Criminal Justice
Find data on international crime and justice systems.
Utah State Open Data - Government & Taxes
A catalog of datasets from the state covering topics such as government finances, population, and tax areas and rates.
AidData China's Public Diplomacy
Visualize and export data on financial, cultural, and informational aspects of China's diplomacy with other countries.
World Values Survey
Longitudinal survey data on social and political opinions and conditions in 120 countries throughout the world. Available from 1981-on.
Global Terrorism Database
Create a free individual account to access data on terrorist attacks throughout the world from 1970-on.
GDELT Project
Aggregate news, current events, and trends exploring human society throughout every country in the world.
Social Sciences Data Librarian
Maggie Marchant
Email Me
1212 HBLL
(801) 422-3924
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