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Microbiology & Molecular Biology: Citation Assistance

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Greg Nelson
2313 HBLL
Provo, UT 84606
(801) 422-9066


RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic management service that allows you to build bibliographies and manage citations. 

RefWorks Basics Tutorial

RefWorks Advanced Tutorial

How to Export References into RefWorks Quick Tutorial

EndNote (desktop version)

EndNote X3 is a bibliographic management software package available for download through BYU's Office of Information Technology for all BYU faculty, staff, and graduate students. 

To download: OIT Software Distribution, then search for EndNote

EndNote Training

Writing Resources

EndNote Web

EndNote Web is the web-accessible version of the desktop EndNote program.  You can use it on its own or in coordination with the desktop version. 

EndNote Web Information

EndNote Training