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LibGuides Guide: Getting Started: Add/Edit Pages (Tabs)

Guide for HBLL librarians to create and publish subject guides

About Tabs & Pages

A LibGuide can consist of a single page with one or more content boxes or multiple pages with content boxes.

The tab bar appears on every page; see the box on the right to add and edit pages and tabs.

TRY TO KEEP ONLY ONE ROW OF TABS for easier visual accessibility, and not more than TWO ROWS.

Copying a Page

To copy an entire page from another guide, click on Add/Edit Pages on the command bar on the top of the page and select Copy Page from Another Guide. Select the guide and page you want to copy.

Be sure to make any modifications to make it fit to your guide.

    Adding & Editing Tabs

    Creating new PAGES (tabs):

    • Click on Add/Edit Pages on the top orange Command Bar
    • Select Add New Page
    • Enter a title for the page. Leave as "Top Level" unless you want to make the page a sub-tab of another page. (See Adding Sub-Tabs below)
      • Keep titles short. Tip: Use & instead of and in titles
      • Use title case (all words capitalized except for internal articles, prepositions, and conjunctions) in page names
    • Click Create this Page

    Reordering tabs/pages:

    • To change the order of tabs/pages, click on Add/Edit Pages on the command bar at the top of the page
    • Select Reorder Pages
    • Drag and drop the tab/page titles until they are in the correct order
    • Click on Update Tab Order

    Adding Sub-Tabs

    Sub-tabs are pages that appear in a drop-down menu from a main tab. Sub-tabs are less readily visible to the user and should be used carefully. If they are used, it is best to include references and links to the sub-tabs from the main page under which they appear.

    Creating sub-tabs:

    • Click on Add/Edit Pages on the command bar at the top of the page.
    • Select Add New Page.
    • Enter a name for the sub-tab.
    • Click on the Add as a Top Level drop-down menu and change it, selecting the main tab under which you want the sub-tab to appear.
    • Click Create this Page.

    Note that sub-tabs are always listed in alphabetical order and cannot be re-ordered by dragging and dropping. To change the order, include numbers in the sub-tab names (i.e. "1. Encyclopedias", "2. Dictionaries", etc.)