Logging in
To create or edit your profile, go to your email on the top right area, and find "My Account". In the command bar at the top, click on "My Profile" to customize your profile box. These are HBLL conventions recommended to keep profiles consistent in style:
Profile Box Title | Your job title (ex: European Studies Librarian) * Try to keep it short and accurate |
Profile Image |
Upload a PROFESSIONAL IMAGE of yourself from your computer. Make sure the image is not distorted, has good resolution, and is not too small or too big. * If you haven't had your picture taken, ask the LAO Secretaries to have it scheduled. |
Contact Info |
Use this order for the information listed: Your office, phone number, and additional info desired |
Social Media | List the URLs here |
Widgets | List here |
Adding a Chat Box with your profile for LibraryH3lp
For questions regarding LibGuides, contact:
Mary Chapman - mary_chapman@byu.edu | 801.422.1624