NCEES Exam Reference Handbook[Site description] Download a free copy of the reference handbook for your exam here. Reviewing the supplied-reference handbook before exam day helps you become familiar with the charts formulas, tables, and other reference information provided.
Mechanical Engineering: FE Review Manual by D. R. Arterburn; Gary R. Crossman; Fidelis O. Eke
Call Number: SCI REF (Prep Books)
ISBN: 1427745285
Publication Date: 2013-01-01
PPI FE Mechanical Practice Problems - Comprehensive Practice for the FE Mechanical Exam by Michael R. Lindeburg
Call Number: SCI REF (Prep Books)
ISBN: 1591264421
Publication Date: 2014-05-01
PPI Industrial Engineering: FE Review Manual - a Comprehensive Manual for the FE Industrial CBT Exam, Features over 100 Problems with Step-By-Step Solutions by Brightwood Engineering Brightwood Engineering Education
Call Number: SCI REF (Prep Books)
ISBN: 9781683380153
Publication Date: 2018-10-01
General Resources
Khan AcademyKhan Academy is a set of 1000+ videos covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, statistics, chemistry, biology and finance. Includes SAT and GMAT prep.
Mathway solver[from vendor] Mathway, a Chegg service, is a tool designed to make on-demand math assistance accessible to all students at any given time. With over 5 billion problems solved, Mathway is the top problem-solving resource available for students, parents, and teachers. The tool can perform the following functions:
• Evaluate math problems such as basic math, pre-algebra, algebra, pre-calculus, calculus, trigonometry, and statistics
• Simplify expressions and provide step-by-step explanations
• You can either upload a picture of your problem or type it out in our solver
• You can also create a worksheet on any topic
Experimental Practice
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)This link opens in a new windowJournal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a peer reviewed, PubMed indexed journal devoted to the publication of biological, medical, chemical and physical research in a video format.
Datasets is a government repository of publicly accessible data. The datasets can be organized by governmental organization or searched using keywords.
Data Planet (SAGE)This link opens in a new windowData Planet Statistical Datasets interface allows users to browse available datasets by subject and source and to manipulate variables to create customized views of the data, as well as to search for statistics of interest.
Kaggle DatasetsKaggle hosts a large number of publicly available datasets and prompts analysis through competitions.
Minerals YearbookThe Minerals Yearbook is an annual publication that reviews the mineral and material industries of the United States and foreign countries. The Yearbook contains statistical data on materials and minerals and includes information on economic and technical trends and development. The Minerals Yearbook includes chapters on approximately 90 commodities and over 175 countries.
Minerals InformationStatistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, the national security, and protection of the environment.
NASA Earthdata"The Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program provides open access to NASA’s archive of Earth science data, empowering researchers and decision makers to better understand and protect our home planet."
Data Tools GuideThis research guide provides resources for planning, finding, cleaning, analyzing, managing, and sharing datasets.
Metals Pricing
Infomine Commodities PricingCommodityMine is a comprehensive news and information source. In addition to the latest prices, you can find in-depth commodity news, a list of upcoming mining events and even career information. The All Charts page allows you to compare price changes for gold, silver, copper and other commodities over a variety of time periods. Dynamic Charting allows you to adjust individual commodity timelines according to weight and currency.
London Metals ExchangeView a selection up to date and delayed London Metals Exchange market data. To access this data, you must be a registered user of the free market data service. Registration for this service is free and on completion of the registration process you will be able to log in and view LME market data. This service only provides market data for the current calendar year.
Metal Industry IndicatorsThe Metal Industry Indicators (MII) is a monthly newsletter that analyzes and forecasts the economic health of five metal industries: primary metals, steel, copper, primary aluminum, and aluminum mill products.
IAEA Energy, Electricity, and Nuclear Power Estimates - to 2050International Atomic Energy Agency: The 40th edition of RDS-1 contains estimates of energy, electricity and nuclear power trends up to the year 2050. The publication is organized into world and regional subsections, with global and regional nuclear power projections presented as low and high cases, encompassing the uncertainties inherent in projecting trends.
Reference Handbooks and Tables
ASM HandbooksThis link opens in a new windowAlternate title: American Society for Metals (ASM) Handbook. Features the complete content of twenty one ASM Handbook volumes plus two ASM Desk Editions.
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical TablesThis link opens in a new windowThis volume provides scientific investigators with a comprehensive and self-contained summary of mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems. Contains mathematical formulas, tables, graphs, a complete table of analytical integrals, differential equations, and numerical series. The volume includes tables of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, tables for numerical integration, rules for differentiation and integration, and techniques for point interpolation and function approximation. Additionally, an entire section to mathematical and physical constants is included as well as a discussion on statistics by combinatorial analysis and probability functions.
International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and TechnologyThis link opens in a new windowAlternate title: International Critical Tables. This classic and well-known reference was originally published for the National Research Council in 7 volumes. It contains an enormous amount of critical data on inorganic and organic compounds, and pure substances. The original 1000-page index is hyperlinked to each entry's appropriate page.
Knovel Critical TablesThis link opens in a new windowThis important, interactive Knovel reference contains tables of physical, solvent, and thermodynamic properties. The physical property tables alone include over 21,000 inorganic and organic compounds, and pure substances. The solvent property tables have data for 385 common solvents, and the thermodynamic property tables have data for over 15,000 compounds. Additionally, several tables make use of the interactive Equation Plotter to plot thermodynamic properties as a function of temperature.
Smithsonian Physical Tables (9th Revised Edition)This link opens in a new windowOriginally published by Smithsonian Institution Press, this classic reference source comprises 901 tables of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those involved with physics in its larger sense. All entries in the index are hyperlinked to their page numbers.
Thermal Properties and ResourcesOver 1000 searchable materials, with corresponding thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal effusivity, specific heat and density information. Includes Thermal Simulation Software and Thermal Properties Calculator.
Technical Reports
NASA Technical Reports ServerSearch NASA reports by keyword or browse by date, type of publication, and NASA Center.
NATO Scientific PublicationsSearch reports from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, including the Science and Technology Organization (STO), the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD), and the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)
National Academies PressThe National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. These nonprofit institutions provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world. Most of their over 8,000 reports are available for free download.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Research LibraryThe Research Library at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) assists researchers in finding the information they need to carry out nationally important research. Primary subject areas covered include chemistry, physics, materials science, biological and environmental sciences, computer science, mathematics, engineering, nuclear technology, and homeland security. New library resources are primarily electronic, but the library still houses valuable print and microform collections.
Library of Congress Tech ReportsThis is a collection of technical reports and standards from many different government agencies and private sector societies, including NASA, the DOE, ASME, AIAA, etc.
Discover recently added books in our Science & Engineering collection.
Misc Resources
Lists of Manufacturers
Industrial Quick Search (IQS)This database categorizes the OEM manufacturing marketplace in the US and Canada into 180 industry categories, each having hundreds of manufacturers. The database also includes 25 major industry groups that encompass the 180 categories for further context of their inter-relationships within those categories.
Thomas RegisterFrom the small job shop to the Fortune 100 giant, Thomas Register helps to connect the right buyers with the right suppliers, and to equip everyone involved with the knowledge and information they need to thrive in their constantly evolving marketplace.
Global SpecLists products, suppliers, services and consultants.
ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital LibraryThis link opens in a new windowIncludes all 13,000 ASTM standards, as well as Manuals, Monographs, Data Series, STPs (Special Technical Publications) and 8 Journals.
CompendexThis link opens in a new windowUse Compendex to help you find standards by using left-side document type filter, selecting "Standard"
No systematic or automated downloading.
IEEE StandardsThis link opens in a new windowOver 1300 IEEE standards by number or subject
EverySpecSingle source for free access to over 30,000 Military, DoD, Federal, NASA, DOE, and Government specifications, standards, handbooks, and publications.
FedSpecsIndex of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Commercial Item Descriptions (FMR 102-27).
NISTThe National Institute of Standards and Technology's mission is to "promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life."
IHS MarkitIHS Markit sells standards from a variety of standards organizations. Its search engine can help identify standards that may be applicable to your information need.
Patent Searching
Worldwide Patents (Espacenet)This database maintained by the European Patent Office provides access to over 110 million patent documents.
US Patents and Trademarks (USPTO)This website, managed by the US Patent and Trademark Office, provides access to US Patents, published Patent Applications, and Trademarks. It also provides information relating to filing for patents and trademarks.
LensUS, European and Worldwide collections searchable in full text of the entire specifications, with links to global patent families. Single inventions may have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of related patent documents in up to 80 different jurisdictions. See and explore these relationships.
Google Patent Search (Advanced)Search U.S. and International patents by keyword, title, number, inventor, type, date, assignee, etc.
Free patents OnlineThis is a free patent searching site with PDF downloading, world patent searching, alerts, and other account functions.