The journals and magazines listed below have online full-text electronic availability. Click on the periodical's title to link to information about the extent of the HBLL's holdings in print and/or availability of the periodical electronically. Use the call number to locate the periodical in Music & Dance. Current print issues may be found in the Music & Dance Reading Room. Back issues are bound together and can be found in the Music & Dance stacks.
The journals and magazines listed below are available in print. Click on the periodical's title to link to information about the extent of the HBLL's holdings. Use the call number to locate the periodical in Music & Dance. Current issues may be found in the Music & Dance Reading Room. Back issues are bound together and can be found in the Music & Dance stacks.
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4432 HBLL - Level 4
Music & Dance Web Page
Hours: M-Th: 8am-9pm;
F: 8am-6pm; Sat:10am-6pm
Phone: (801) 422-1725