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The Walt Whitman Collection: Biographies and Criticism


These lists include monographs only, though the Whitman Collection has many copies of individual essays and journal articles dealing with Melville and his works. These articles can be found through a search of the library catalog.

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Selected Biographies

Robert Roper. Now the drum of war: Walt Whitman and his brothers in the Civil War. New York: Walker & Co., 2008.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3232 .R66 2008

David S. Reynolds. Walt Whitman’s America: a cultural biography. New York: Knopf, 1995.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3231 .R48 1995

Jerome Loving. Walt Whitman: the song of himself. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3231 .L68 1999

Joel Myerson, ed. Whitman in his own time: a biographical chronicle of his life, drawn from recollections, memoirs, and interviews by friends and associates. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2000.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3231 .W47 2000


Selected Whitman Criticism

Nick Selby, ed. The poetry of Walt Whitman. Readers’ guides to essential criticism series. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3238 .P64 2004

Matthew Miller.  Collage of Myself: Walt Whitman and the Making of Leaves of Grass.  University of Nebraska Press, 2010.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3241 .M55 2010

David S. Reynolds, ed. A historical guide to Walt Whitman. Oxford University Press, 2000.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3238 .H57 2000

Walt Whitman, compiler. Leaves of Grass Imprints: American and European criticisms on "Leaves of grass". University of South Carolina Press, 2012.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3238 .L35 2012

Ezra Greenspan, ed. The Cambridge companion to Walt Whitman. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

    Call number: Whitman Collection PS 3238 .C16 1995

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Maggie Kopp
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