The Music section of the HBLL has an extensive collection of scores suitable for Christmas. Find them by searching "Mormon Music Collection" in a general keyword search.
M 38.5 .C5 = Christmas piano solos
M 2075 = chorus with keyboard accompaniment
M 2075.8 = the same, with LDS composers
M 2114.5 = Sacred Christmas music for solo voice and piano
M 2114.58 = the same, with LDS composers
M 2081 – 2100 = unaccompanied
M 2101.5 = unison choruses
Compositions by LDS composers are designated by a .8 after the call number (so, for example: M 2061.8, or M 2101.58).
All of the websites featured in the WARD CHOIR MUSIC tab offer CHRISTMAS MUSIC. Also see: