ML 128 .V4 - Bibliographies for the violin (Reference collection)
ML 418 - Biographies of string players, A-Z
ML 882-897 - Violin - History and criticism (includes construction)
MT 260-279.7 - Instrumental technique and study for the violin
MT 760-778 - Violin and viola instructional techniques for children
M 40-44 - Solo Violin
M 219-223 - Piano and violin
M 286-287 - Two string instruments
M 290-291 - One string and one wind instrument
M 294-295 - One string and one plectral instrument
M 310-314 - Piano and two string instruments
M 320-324 - Piano, one string and one wind instrument
M 349-353 - String trios
M 450-454 - String quartets
M 452.2 - Four violins
BYU's Young Ambassadors with BYU student Megumi Terry on violin.