The following articles are available through Business Source Premier Database. In the search box write the article title in quotations to perform a phrase search. Example: "It pays to be polite"
Beaumont, R. (2007). Mind your manners. Spectator, 304, 35-35.
Blain, G. (2009). It pays to be polite. Economist, 390, 23-23.
Good manners equal good business.(2003). Commercial Law Bulletin, 18(2), 6.
Johne, M. (2005). The etiquette edge. CMA Management, 79(4), 14-15.
Kizzire, A. (2007). E-mail etiquette. Construction, 74(13), 12-14.
Manners maketh the businessman.(2009). Economist, 390, 74-74.
Match miss manners with perfect etiquette. (2007). Sales Leader, 12(23), 1-1.
Penttila, C. (2008). How rude! Entrepreneur, 36(5), 86-86.
Polite can be POWERFUL.(2007). T+D, 61(5), 20-20.
Sabath, A. M. (2007). Workplace etiquette: The unwritten rules of business success. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 34(2), 53-59.
Walton, S. B. (2007). Cultural etiquette: Closing the gap between the what and the how. Public Relations Tactics, 14(4), 11-11.