BYU Library's Special Collections features rare and unique materials including diaries, correspondence, and photographs. Check out their reference guide for more on hours, policies, etc.
To find materials:
1. Search the Archives (https://archives.lib.byu.edu/) by name or subject.
2. Use filters on the right side of the results page to narrow your results by year, type of material, or subject.
Additional resources:
Class schedules provide information on the time, location, teacher, and credit given for each class offered at Brigham Young University. Schedules for each semester have been included as a single publication for each year listed.
Course catalogs offer descriptions of the various courses offered at Brigham Young University during a given academic year. They also contain information on degree requirements and expectations.
Graduate catalogs provide descriptions of graduate programs offered at Brigham Young University during a given academic year. This includes information on degree requirements and individual course content. Missing: 1978-1987.
Commencement Programs document thousands of candidates for graduation from Brigham Young University. The programs include information on candidate majors and honors designations.
Alumni Magazines
One of the lasting traditions of Brigham Young University is its strong cultural emphasis and support of the fine arts. The School of Music has a rich heritage and this collection of recital programs documents that musical tradition.
Search Tips
1. Year by Year: Scroll to "University Publications" here to find year by year links for each title.
2. Complete Collection: To search across ALL class schedules, course catalogs, commencement programs, and yearbooks, visit BYU Campus Publications on the Internet Archive.
Student Newspapers
Academic Review (October 1884 - May 1885). Published by the campus Polysophical Society, which was founded by Principal K. G. Maeser in the early days of Brigham Young Academy.
The B.Y.A. Student (February 1891 - May 1891) was the first BYA student paper published for a campus audience.
The Normal (September 1891 - May 1894). Published bi-weekly during the school year, students of Brigham Young Academy wanted The Normal to highlight “synopses of lectures on the science and art of teaching, articles on pedagogy, psychology, science, literature and art, written by the professors of the Academy and other teachers, and also miscellaneous news.”
Journal of Pedagogy (December 1894 - May 1896) was a scholastic journal which occasionally contained student news items. It was published by the department of experimental pedagogy.
The White and Blue (November 1898 - May 1923) began publication during President George Brimhall’s administration. It was the students’ voice on campus in the early 20th century.
The Y News (September 1921 - July 1948) was published twice a week and focused on campus events, sports teams, and social unit activities.
Brigham Young Universe (September 1948 - August 1956) was published twice a week during the academic year and featured articles on student life, social events, university sports teams, and letters to the editor.
Daily Universe (September 1956 - December 1996), published M-F during the academic year, the Universe included articles on student life and campus events.
The Eagle's Eye (Summer 1970 - December 2011) was a student-produced periodical focused on Native American topics and issues.
Search Tips
1. Complete Collection: To search across ALL digitized student newspapers, visit BYU Student Newspapers on the Internet Archive.
Family history websites can point to obituaries or other valuable sources for dates and names.
Search 6.3 million pages from 374 Utah newspapers.
1. Start at Utah Digital Newspapers.
2. View a list of newspapers organized by county under Papers Scanned.
Additional resources to help with research about Latter-day Saint women are available here.