Comtois and Miller. Contemporary American Theatre Critics:
a Directory and Anthology of Their Works. 1977. Who, what, where, and how
of American theatre critics. Also includes a bibliography on American theatre
criticism, 1900-1976.
HUM REF PN 1707.9 .C6
Marks. American Literary and Drama Review: an Index to Late Nineteenth Century Periodicals. 1984. Indexes 13 magazines from 1800 to 1900. HUM REF PN 2256 .M37 1984
New York Times Theater Reviews, 1920-1994. 10 vols. + Bi-annual updates. A compilation of the reviews published in the New York Times. HUM REF PN 1581 .N4 (Index Table)
New York Theatre Critics' Reviews. 1969-present. Weekly reprinting of theatre reviews published in magazines and in New York newspapers. In 1996, title changed to: National Theatre Critics' Reviews, appearing semi-monthly. HUM REF PN 1601 .N76 (Index Table)
Salem. A Guide to Critical Reviews. 1967. Covers American
drama, musicals, motion pictures, and English and Continental drama. HUM REF
PN 1994 .X1 S341 (1966-1971) 4 vols. in 5.
------. 2nd ed. 1973. HUM REF PN 1994 .X1 S341 1973 (4 pts.)
------. 3rd ed. 1984- HUM REF PN 2266 .X1 S24 1984 (2 vols.) Reviews for 1909-1982.
Slide. Selected Theatre Criticism. 3 vols. Reviews from1900-1950. HUM REF PN 2277 .N5 S44 1985
Stanley. Broadway in the West End: An Index of Reviews of American
Theatre in London, 1950-1975. 1978.
HUM REF PN 2596 .L6 S77
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