British Playwrights, 1956-1995: A Research and Production Sourcebook. HUM REF PR 736 .B75 1996
Contemporary Dramatists. HUMREF PR 737 .C57x (latest ed. in HumRef, earlier in stacks)
Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television. 1984-present. (annual). HUM REF PN 2208 .W5
Contemporary Women Dramatists. HUM REF PR 736 .C58 1994
Highfill. A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers & Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. 1973-. 16 vols. HUM REF PN 2597 .H5
Major Modern Dramatists. 2 vols. HUM REF PN 1861 .M27 1983
Mann. Women Playwrights in England, Ireland, and Scotland, 1660-1823. HUM REF PR 635 .W6 M36 1996
Notable Women in the American Theatre: A Biographical Dictionary. HUM REF PN 2285 .N65 1989
Smith. Who's Who in Comedy: Comedians, Comics, and Clowns from Vaudeville to Today's Stand-ups. 1992.
HUM REF PN 1583 .S6 1992
Banham. The Cambridge Guide to Theatre. HUMREF PN 2035 .C27 1995
Bordman. American
Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1869-1914. HUM REF PN 2256
.B6 1994
------. American Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1914- 1930.
HUM REF PN 2256 .B6 1995
------. The Oxford Companion to American Theatre. HUM REF PN 2220 .B6
Bronner. The Encyclopedia of the American Theatre, 1900-1975. 1980. HUM REF PN 2266 .B68
Ceballos, Edgar. Diccionario Enciclopedico Basico De Teatro Mexicano. HUM REF PN 2311 .C37x 1996
Courtney. Dictionary of Developmental Drama: The Use of Terminology in Educational Drama, Theatre Education, Creative Dramatics, Children's Theatre, Drama Therapy, and Related Areas. HUM REF PN 3171 .C6388 1987
* Magill. Critical Survey of Drama. 1994. 7 vols. HUM REF PR 625 .C74x 1994
Drama Criticism. 1991. 3 vols. HUM REF PN 1601 .D59
Enciclopedia dello Spettacolo. 9 vols. + 2 suppls. 1954-78. HUM REF PN 1625 .E7
Hartnoll. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. HUM REF PN 2035 .H3 1967
Hawkins-Dady. International Dictionary of Theatre. 3 vols. HumRef PN 2034 .I49 1992
Leiter. The Encyclopedia of the New York Stage, 1920-1930. 2 vols. HUM REF PN 2277 .N5 L36 1985
Loney. 20th Century Theatre. 2 vols. HUM REF PN 2189 .L65 1983
Lounsbury and Bonlanger. Theatre Backstage from A to Z. HUM REF PN 2091 .M3 L68 1989
McGraw-Hill Encylopedia of World Drama. 5 vols. 1984. HUM REF PN 1625 .M3 1984
Magill. Critical Survey of Drama: Foreign Language Series. 6 vols. 1986. Volumes 1-5 cover dramatists; volume 6 includes essays and index. Excellent source for critical summaries of major foreign dramatists. HUM REF PN 1625 .C74 1986
Packard et al. The Facts on File Dictionary of the Theatre. 1988. HUM REF PN 2035 .F27 1988
Philpott. Dictionary of Puppetry. HUM REF PN 1972 .P47 1967b
* Rubin. The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre. 6 vols. HumRef PN 2189.W67 1994.
Swortzell. International
Guide to Children's Theatre and Educational Theatre: A Historical and Geographical
Source Book.
HUM REF PN 3157 .I58 1990
Trapido. An International Dictionary of Theatre Language. HUM REF PN 2035 .I5 1985
Wilmeth and Miller. The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. HUMREF PN 2220 .C35 1993
Annotated Bibliography of New Publications in the Performing Arts. 1972-present . HUM REF PN 1584 .X1 A55
Bibliographic Guide
to Theatre Arts. 1975-present. (annual) HUM REF PN 1620 .N562x
Lists books cataloged by New York Public Library and the Library of Congress.
Carpenter. Modern
Drama Scholarship and Criticism: An International Bibliography.
HumRef PN1625 .X1 C532 1986 (1966-1990)
HumRef PN1625 .X1 C5322x 1997 (1981-1990)
Chicorel Bibliography to the Performing Arts. 1972. HUM REF PN 1584 .X1 C45
Hunter. Drama Bibliography. 1971. HUM REF PN 1625 .X1 H84
* International Bibliography
of Theatre (IBT). 1982-present (bi-annual) HUM REF PN 1561 .X1
Comprehensive compilation of resources by the American Society for Theatre Research
& the International Association of Libraries and Museums of the Performing
Arts, in cooperation with the International Federation for Theatre Research.
Bryan. Stage Lives: A Bibliography and Index to Theatrical Biographies in English. HUM REF PN 2205 .X1 S82 1985
Crothers. The Puppeteer's
Library Guide: the Bibliographic Index to the Literature of the World Puppet
Theatre. 1971. 2 vols.
HUM REF PN 1972 .X1 C7
Evans. Comedy: An Annotated Bibliography of Theory and Criticism. HUM REF PN 1922 .E92 C65x 1987
Fordyce. Children's Theatre
and Creative Dramatics: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Works. 1975.
HUM REF PN 3157 .X1 F67
Howard. A Bibliography of Theatre Technology. 1982. HUMREF PN 2091 .S8 X62
Performing Arts Resources, 1974-present. (annual) HUM REF PN 1584 .X1 P46
Rickert and Bloomquist. Resources in Theatre and Disability. HUM REF PN 1590 .H36 R53 1988
Shaland, Irene. American Theater and Drama Research. 1991. HUM REF PN 2266.3 .X1 S43 1991
Slide. Selected Vaudeville Criticism. HUM REF PN 1968 .U5 S35 1988
Steadman. Dramatic
Revisions: An Annotated Bibliography of Feminism and Theatre, 1972-1988.
HUMREF PN 1590 .W4 S84 1991
Stoddard. Stage Scenery, Machinery, and Lighting: A list of books, articles, pamphlets on the subject from classical Greek theatre to theatre of the 1970s. HUM REF PN 2091 .S8 X83
Women in American Theatre. HUM REF PN 2226 .W6 1987
Arnott and Robinson. English Theatrical Literature, 1559-1900. HUM REF PN 2581 .X1 A74 1970
Boyer, Robert. Realism in European Theatre and Drama 1870-1920, a Bibliography. 1979. HUM REF PN 1851 .X1 B69
Cavanagh. British Theatre: a Bibliography, 1901 to 1985. 1989. HUM REF PN 2581 .X1 C38 1989
Silvester. United States Theatre: A Bibliography from the Beginning to 1990. 1993. HUM REF PN 2221 .X1 S85 1993
Stevens. English Renaissance Theatre History: A Reference Guide. 1982. HUM REF PN 2589 .X1 S83
Stratman. Restoration
and Eighteenth Century Theatre Research: A Bibliographic Guide, 1900-1968. 1971.
HUM REF PR 701 .X1 S87
Wilmeth. The American Stage to World War I. 1978. HUM REF PN 2221 .X1 W55
American Theatre Companies, 1749-1887. Ed. by Weldon B.
Durham. HUM REF PN 2237 .A43 1986
1888-1930 Supplement - HUM REF PN 2256 .A44 1987 1931
1986 Supplement - HUM REF PN 2266 .A54 1989
Everett. The Performing Arts Major's College Guide. HUM REF PN 1577 .E94 1992
Hischak. The Theatregoer's Almanac. HUM REF PN 2266 .H53 1997
Merin. International Directory of Theatre, Dance, and Folklore Festivals. HUM REF PN 1590 .F47 M47 1979
Sarver and Markus. A Novel Approach to Theatre: from Adams to Zola. HUM REF PN 3352 .T45 S27 1997
Sharp. Index to Characters in the Performing Arts. 1966-73. 4 vols. in 6. HUM REF PN 1579 .S45
Sourcebook for the Performing Arts: A Directory of Collections, Resources, Scholars, and Critics in Theatre, Film, and Television. comp. by Anthony Slide, Patricia King Hanson, and Stephen L. Hanson. HUM REF PN 2289 .S65 1988
Theatre Profiles. 1973-present. (Annual) HUM REF PN 2266 .T48
Stevenson. The Tony Award. HumRef PN 2270 .A93 T6 2001
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